Aws sorusu dogru cevap ariyorum 2

A company captures clickstream data from multiple websites and analyzes it using batch processing.
The data is loaded nightly into Amazon Redshift and is consumed by business analysts.
The company wants to move towards near-real-time data processing for timely insights.
The solution should process the streaming data with minimal effort and operational overhead.
Which combination of AWS services are MOST cost-effective for this solution? (Choose two.)

Arkadaslar selam, cevaplardan bir tanesi D fakat 2. hangisi emin olamadim A mi yoksa E sikki mi. E gibi geliyor, sizce nedir

A. Amazon EC2
B. AWS Lambda
C. Amazon Kinesis Data Streams
D. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose
E. Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics

D ve E. Minimal effort ve cost effective

1 Beğeni

Suan bu soru uzerinde gruplarda konusuyoruzda, arkadaslarin yaptigi bir yorum dikkatimi cekti ve arastirdim. Net bir sonuca varamadim, AWS kaynaklarinda. Hocam sizden ricam, bu sorunun cevaplarinin neden D ve E oldugunu detayli olarak soyleyebilir misiniz lutfen.

AWS gurubunda arkadasin yaptigi yorumlar sunlar:

Question is not good, where did you pick it up from? This is a use case given straight in AWS documents and we can use 3 services here C,D,E. But since we are asked to choose only 2, we can go with Data streams © for ingestion and Data Analytics E for real time processing. The third requirement loading into Redshift can be done using Firehose.

This question may have been captured inaccurately. On further thought, If I really get this question in exam, I would go for C and D because the question says “real time batch processing” which data analytics is not. To be honest, I do not even think there is anything called real time batch processing - we either do real time processing (process as we receive data) or batch processing (we process data periodically).

Benimde cevabim:

You are right, real time batch processing is lol too. There are Batch vs. Real Time Data Processing when i search on internet. I can not find like this words on internet like real time batch processing. But this question available alllll the website of trainning and exam area. very interesting. I will back my teacher about this again.

Yanlış yaklasiyorsunuz soruya :slight_smile: önceden batch processing ile işleri hallediyor firma. Ama bu yöntemde real time analiz yapmak zor. O nedenle veriyi Realtimea yakın seviyede capture edip ardından da analiz etmek istiyorlar. Bunu da minumum yönetim yükü ve cost effective yapmak istiyorlar. Şıkları inceleyelim. Ec2. Bildiğin sanal makine. Bunun üstüne bu işleri yapabilecek yazılım kurar yok sa da kendin yazar ve kurar bu işi halledersin. Doğru mu? Evet. Hatta tüm bu tarz sorularda bu geçerli. Ama bu operational olarak zahmetsiz olmaz ki. Herşeyi sen halledersin. Onun yerine bu işi sana sunan bir servis olsa ve bu servis tüm bu kurulum yönetim bakim işini halletse operational olarak daha zahmetsiz olur. B şıkkı da hemen hemen aynı mantık. Kodu kendin yazıp bu isi halledecek program ortaya çıkartırsan lambda da koşturursun ama zahmetli olur.
Geriye kalıyor c d e. Üçü de Amazon’un kinesis ailesinde çeşitli işler yapan yönetilen servisleri. Hem operational olarak zahmetsiz hem de cost effective. Bunlardan firehouse ile streaming veriyi s3 redshifr gibi destinasyonlara atarsın. Data analytics de sana bu akış verisi üstünde realtime analiz imkani sunar. Dolayısıla d ve e. Neden C değil dersen, tek başına yeterli olmaz. Ve redshifte veri aktaramaz.

1 Beğeni

Sagolun hocam. Bu arada arkadasin beyni yanmis verdiginiz cevapla :slight_smile:

I will not even attempt to understand your teacher’s answer, as it goes over my head 🙂 If you understood that explanation, then you are good. But I would not expect any question like this in a real exam. If you get one like this, then well, you can get 18 answers wrong and still pass the exam.

This is what it is. You won’t be able to change the exam’s reality. Accept it and prepare yourself with this reality

:smiley: Arkadas kacti hocam. Tekrar sagolun.

Yine cok tartismali bir soru. A ve D oldugunu soyluyor. Ancak A ve E yi de savunan cok var. Sizce hangisi hocam?
A company has deployed an API in a VPC behind an internet-facing Application Load Balancer (ALB). An
application that consumes the API as a client is deployed in a second account in private subnets behind a
NAT gateway. When requests to the client application increase, the NAT gateway costs are higher than
expected. A solutions architect has configured the ALB to be internal.
Which combination of architectural changes will reduce the NAT gateway costs? (Choose two.)
A. Configure a VPC peering connection between the two VPCs. Access the API using the private address.
B. Configure an AWS Direct Connect connection between the two VPCs. Access the API using the private
C. Configure a ClassicLink connection for the API into the client VPC. Access the API using the
ClassicLink address.
D. Configure a PrivateLink connection for the API into the client VPC. Access the API using the PrivateLink
E. Configure an AWS Resource Access Manager connection between the two accounts. Access the API
using the private address.

A bicycle sharing company is developing a multi-tier architecture to track the location of its bicycles during peak operating hours. The company wants to use these data points in its existing analytics platform. A solutions architect must determine the most viable multi-tier option to support this architecture. The data points must be accessible from the REST API.
Which action meets these requirements for storing and retrieving location data?

  • A. Use Amazon Athena with Amazon S3.
  • B. Use Amazon API Gateway with AWS Lambda.
  • C. Use Amazon QuickSight with Amazon Redshift.
  • D. Use Amazon API Gateway with Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics.

A ve D. Resource manager bu senaryoda işe yaramaz.

D. Api gateway Kinesis’e proxylik yapabiliyor. En mantıklı çözüm bu.

hocam yukarida bu soruya cok benzer bir soru var hatta aynisi. Orada transportation diye basliyor. ona API gateway ve Lambda cevabini vermissiniz ben de yeni fark ettim.